Changing at the speed of business with SUSE open source — webinar

1 July 2020 | 8226 Shares

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Watch the Webinar here

In innovative enterprises driven by technology (few enterprises are not reliant on technology, it has to be said), the IT function’s role has changed significantly since the turn of the millennium. Where just a few years ago, IT was a purely functional role tasked with keeping the technology working reliably and safely, the emergence of app-centricity in people’s lives now means that IT development teams play a key role in the business’s overall health and direction.

The functional role still exists, of course: significant resources and staff are dedicated to keeping the enterprise ERP fit-for-purpose, for example. Plus, now, there’s a third IT-based role that is also proving crucial to every organization of size. The data-driven IT function, staffed by data scientists and analysts are tasked with making good practical and commercial use of the deluge of digital information being accrued daily by most enterprise organizations.

This trifecta of technology professionals and systems underpins modern enterprises, and all are essential for a truly innovative approach to business, one that places agility and ability to scale alongside more “traditional” business aims of cost-cutting and improvements to efficiency.

In a webinar presented by Brent Schroeder (CTO, SUSE) and Daniel Nelson (VP of Products & Solutions, SUSE), these concepts of new business theory are explored alongside how open-source software & services capabilities can be intermingled with a commercially-oriented mindset. The connection of the IT function with the rest of the business (and its aims) has long been an aim of most enterprises — the presenters describe the historic stand-off between the two functions as traditionally comprising “finger-pointing.” But with the right technology partner and an innovative and agile mindset, organizations can equip themselves for the future and adapt to the currently massively-altered circumstances in which we’re living.

As an open-source company, and one that’s continuing to play a central role in the development of the technology platforms that power a connected world, SUSE’s business-focused mentality means that its platforms and offerings represent the aforementioned intermingling of business and IT.

As companies realize the capabilities and possibilities of edge computing, and transition to multi-cloud and hybrid topologies with legacy bare metal and data centers too, SUSE offers the types of platforms that correspond both with the need for system interoperability (no buyer tie-ins) and business agility.

The two presenters share three wildly different examples of how SUSE’s technologies are making significant differences. From traditional engineering companies that backport IoT onto heavy manufacturing plant, to cryptocurrency-focused app development with containers, the SUSE technology stack is opening up new doors of opportunity for enterprises across the globe.

The alignment between open-source technology and commercial imperatives typical of business is getting ever closer. Complex abstractions of data storage networks, for example, are letting companies effectively disregard the topological differences between the data center and edge, between public and private clouds. With OS and platform agnosticism, companies are free to scale seamlessly to wherever their customers’ demands may take them. If customers are better served at edge points, then SUSE’s solutions can make this happen, simplifying interoperability between the data center running SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and edge hardware, software, and storage.

And to modernize agile, quick-to-production microservice-based applications, SUSE offers industry standard (and standard-setting) orchestration technologies, like its Cloud Application Platform, that are faster and less costly than either proprietary solutions or upstream applications.

To learn more about how to accelerate innovation by using the latest technologies such as containers and edge technologies watch the webinar today.